• +90 530 818 62 76
  • Mansuroğlu Neighbourhood, 1593/1 St., No:2 Lider Centrio A Block Floor:4 Apt:39 Bayraklı / İZMİR

What is Spasticity?

Spasticity is a condition characterized by uncontrolled and continuous muscle contractions resulting from damage to the central nervous system (brain or spinal cord). These contractions lead to stiffness and tightness in the muscles, restriction of movement, and the development of abnormal postures.

What Are the Causes of Spasticity?

Spasticity is commonly associated with conditions such as stroke, brain injury, spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis, and cerebral palsy. These conditions disrupt the normal functioning of the nervous system, leading to impaired muscle control and spasticity.

What Are the Symptoms of Spasticity?

The symptoms of spasticity include muscle stiffness, spasms, increased reflexes, gait disturbances, muscle weakness, and pain. These symptoms can impact the patient's daily activities and reduce their quality of life.

How Is Spasticity Treated?

Treatment for spasticity typically requires a multidisciplinary approach. Treatment options may include physical therapy, muscle relaxants, rehabilitation exercises, neurotoxin injection, nerve blocks, intrathecal baclofen pump, and surgical interventions.

What Role Does Neurotoxin Use Play in the Treatment of Spasticity?

Neurotoxin is an effective option in the treatment of spasticity. Neurotoxin works by blocking nerve signals to the muscles, leading to temporary muscle relaxation. This helps alleviate the symptoms of spasticity and allows for easier movement of the muscles.

Neurotoxin injections are directly applied to spastic muscles. The injections are usually administered to specific muscle groups and their effects typically last for several months. Treatment may be repeated at specific intervals.

What Factors Play a Role in the Treatment of Spasticity?

Factors that are effective in the treatment of spasticity include the severity of spasticity, the patient's overall health, underlying causes, the patient's lifestyle, and expectations. Treatment options are determined based on the patient's response to spasticity and tolerance to treatment. Treatment typically requires a personalized approach.

If neurotoxin is to be used in the treatment of spasticity, it must be administered by an experienced doctor. You can contact our surgery in Izmir for information on spasticity treatment and interventional procedures.