• +90 530 818 62 76
  • Mansuroğlu Neighbourhood, 1593/1 St., No:2 Lider Centrio A Block Floor:4 Apt:39 Bayraklı / İZMİR

What is IV (Intravenous) Therapy?

The human body requires essential substances such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and antioxidants to function at full capacity. Healthy and balanced nutrition meets many of these needs. However, due to various reasons such as genetically modified food sources, unconscious industrialization, and air pollution, the body cannot fully meet its needs through natural means. As a result of imbalances in gut flora and probiotic balance, the body cannot absorb the necessary substances such as vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants in sufficient amounts.

Intravenous (IV) therapy is the direct administration of essential substances such as amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to the human body through the vein.

What Are the Benefits of Intravenous Therapies:

  • Rapid Effect:
    IV therapies allow medications or nutrients to mix directly into the bloodstream by administering them through the vein, thus their effects are felt more quickly.
  • High Absorption:
    Substances administered bypassing the digestive system have higher absorption, making the therapies more effective.
  • Personalized Treatment:
    IV therapies, which can be customized according to individual needs, can be tailored to a person's specific health condition or nutritional needs.
  • Antioxidant Support:
    Antioxidants can also be used in IV therapies, providing the body with extra support in fighting free radicals. It strengthens the immune system and protects against diseases.
  • Blood Sugar Regulation:
    Therapies regulate blood sugar, balancing energy reserves and increasing concentration and mental focus.
  • Maintaining Hormonal Balance:
    IV therapies regulate hormonal imbalances, maintain skin health, and reduce signs of aging.
  • Providing Energy:
    IV therapies alleviate chronic fatigue by increasing energy levels.

When Are IV Therapies Preferred?

  • Various vitamin, mineral, and amino acid deficiencies
  • Conditions with reduced intestinal absorption
  • Headaches, migraines
  • Alzheimer's, dementia, Parkinson's disease
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Neuropathic pain
  • Chronic fatigue, weakness
  • Low energy, performance enhancement
  • Improving memory, concentration, and attention
  • Pain, fibromyalgia, circulatory system problems
  • Accumulation of toxins and heavy metals in the body
  • Low immune system, frequent illnesses
  • Cell renewal, rejuvenation, anti-aging purposes
  • Regulation of the hormonal system
  • Stress, anxiety, panic attacks, depression
  • Liver and intestinal diseases

How Is IV Therapy Performed and What Is Used?

IV therapy is a protocol tailored to the individual and should only be administered under medical supervision. After a doctor-patient consultation, a treatment plan is tailored to the individual's needs. Therapies given through the vein, usually in physiological saline, take about 30 minutes on average, and the person can continue their daily life afterwards.

Vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other substances such as vitamin C, glutathione, alpha-lipoic acid, magnesium, NAD, selenium, zinc, copper, vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin D, and B vitamin complexes play a critical role in the body's normal metabolism and repair processes. Therefore, supplementing these nutrients intravenously is important to support healthy body function and maintain optimum health.

What Are Antioxidants and How Do They Work?

Antioxidants are substances that fight the harmful effects of free radicals in the body. Free radicals damage cells in a process called oxidative stress and accelerate the aging process. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals, protecting cells. This reduces cell damage and supports a healthy life.

When Are Antioxidant Treatments Used?

Antioxidant treatments can be used in many situations:

  • Strengthening the immune system
  • Providing detoxification
  • Increasing energy levels
  • Slowing down the aging process
  • Improving skin health

Antioxidant treatments are usually administered intravenously and act quickly in the body.

Personalized Antioxidant Cocktail

Each individual's metabolic needs, dietary habits, genetic factors, gut microbiota, activity level, stress level, exposure to heavy metals, and infections are different. Therefore, the need for vitamins, minerals, and amino acids varies from person to person. Considering these individual differences, when planning treatment support, the content of the antioxidant cocktail suitable for personal needs should be determined. This treatment is administered intravenously and aims to increase the individual's antioxidant levels.

Alpha-Lipoic Acid

Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) acts as an antioxidant and is a compound naturally produced in the body. It helps convert carbohydrates into energy, has protective effects against cell oxidative stress, and has anti-inflammatory properties.

Alpha-lipoic acid is an antioxidant that can cross the blood-brain barrier and be effective in both aqueous and lipid-based areas. ALA can reduce oxidative stress and provide protective effects to cells in the brain by fighting free radicals. Free radicals are molecules that can cause cell damage and play a role in the development of diseases such as dementia and stroke. The antioxidant effects of ALA can help protect brain health by reducing free radical damage.

Intravenous ALA is a form of alpha-lipoic acid directly injected into the bloodstream. This method allows for the rapid intake of high doses of ALA.

Some potential benefits of intravenous ALA include:
  • Antioxidant effect:
    By combating free radicals in cells, it can reduce oxidative stress.
  • Diabetes management:
    It can regulate blood sugar levels and reduce insulin resistance.
  • Neuropathy treatment: 
    It can play a supportive role in the treatment of nerve damage, such as diabetic neuropathy. Protects the nervous system.
  • Liver health:
    It can support liver function and help treat some liver diseases.
  • Anti-inflammatory effects:
    It can reduce inflammation and support immune system health.
  • Anti-aging effect.
  • Increases cell energy production.
  • Assists in the body's detoxification from toxins along with other antioxidants such as vitamin C and vitamin E, and glutathione.


Glutathione is a tripeptide molecule that is vital for the normal functioning of cells in the body.

Glutathione is a naturally occurring antioxidant in the body, it fights free radicals and prevents cell damage. It also plays an important role in detoxification, helping to remove toxins from the body. However, factors such as aging, stress, poor nutrition, and environmental factors can lower glutathione levels. This is where intravenous glutathione therapy comes in.

Benefits of Intravenous Glutathione Therapy:
  • Boosting the Immune System:
     Glutathione enhances the effectiveness of the immune system, providing protection against infections and diseases.
  • Supporting Detoxification:
     Glutathione participates in liver detoxification processes and facilitates the removal of toxins from the body.
  • Antioxidant Effects: 
    Glutathione neutralizes free radicals, reducing cell damage and slowing down the aging process.
  • Increased Energy: 
    Glutathione supports the functions of mitochondria involved in energy production and increases energy levels.
  • Skin Health: 
    Glutathione reduces oxidative stress on the skin, evens out skin tone, and provides an overall healthier appearance.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a water-soluble essential vitamin that is not synthesized in the body.

Benefits of Vitamin C Therapy:
  • It protects the body from harmful free radicals, stimulates the immune system, and increases interferon production.
  • It helps reduce inflammation and pain in the body.
  • It helps in the formation and preservation of healthy skin, bones, and other tissues in the body.
  • It is important for wound healing.
  • It protects against cancer.
  • It is protective against aging.
  • Eliminates chronic fatigue.
  • Increases body resistance.
  • Increases energy and performance.
  • It participates in the structure of many enzymes involved in various nervous activities.